In reality the destination for BIM is pretty simple, a data rich model. Data. The most important aspect of BIM. Everything from door schedules to area calculations to material quantities to construction schedules are simply ways to analyze the data. The better the data, the better the analysis. More data means more ways to analyze the project. Better analysis will always result in better decisions which builds a better building.
Where will BIM be in five years time ?
BIM R&D Groups
The European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD) is a network of active members from the construction industry, represented by decision-makers and executives working on research, development and innovation (R,D&I) and providing service to experts and the operational sides within the member companies. ENCORD has 21 members with head offices in 11 European countries and operations worldwide. All members are major European contractors and/or suppliers of construction material and are strongly devoted to R,D&I for increased competitiveness and growth.
The construction sector is facing major challenges for continued quality-of-life and growth in Europe. From an industrial point of view, ENCORD has identified the following priorities which are discussed at regular council meetings, specific ENCORD workshops and platforms:
- Eco-efficient Construction
- Mastering Greenhouse Gas Emissions und Sustainability
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- Lean Construction
- ICT for Virtual construction
- Infrastructure
- Health & Safety (H&S)
- The implications of the Aging Society for the construction sector
- Implementation of Research Activities
- Mastering Greenhouse Gas Emissions und Sustainability
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- Lean Construction
- ICT for Virtual construction
- Infrastructure
- Health & Safety (H&S)
- The implications of the Aging Society for the construction sector
- Implementation of Research Activities
The 5D-initiative is an independent task-force of the European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD). This network consists of construction contractors and material suppliers who are strongly devoted to research and development (R&D) for increased competitiveness and growth. Together, these 19 member companies, representing 9 European countries, employ more than 1.5M people and have a combined annual revenue of over 205B €.
The 5D-initiative tries to pro-actively coordinate and propel the development of software solutions that support process integration. It does so, on a solid, strategic foundation in corporation with industry competitors, software vendors and research institutes.