12 Ağustos 2016 Cuma

Dynamo User Group Istanbul

Dynamo User Group Istanbul Sessions started.
Sessions leading by Mehmet Polat Diker and orginizing by Zeynep Bacınoğlu and Cansu Yeni.
You can watch several dynamo practises or you can present your own practises in these sessions.
If you are interested you can sign up to dynamo,istanbul group wtih link below.

The first session was completed with more than 70 participants. Thank you for presenters; 
Enes Kaan Karabay parametrically.com
and Mehmet Polat Diker redhotbim.com

The second session was completed with Mehmet Polat Diker's T-spline presentation and Bold Architecture's experience sharing made by Burcu Acet and Mehmet Akçan . Thank you for presenters; 
Bold Mimarlık http://www.boldmimarlik.com/
Mehmet Polat Diker redhotbim.com

The third session was completed with Barış Canpolat presentation. He present Dynamo scripts which are using by mechanical engineers. Thank you for this inspirational presentation.

The forth session was completed with my presentation, i present MEP&ARCH coordination study and VakıfBank Facade Rationalization study.

The fifth session was completed with Ümit Balaban presentation. He present Dynamo experience which are using by mechanical engineers.